Vocalize it! is an app created in collaboration with Simone Moscato's lostudiodelcanto to help who wants to exercise their voice without the need to have (or know how to play) an instrument.
Who needs it?

A so dynamic and easy to use tool is designed for both singing students and teachers, who can set up the exercises for their students to study at home; but also for those who, amateurs and professionals, need to warm up the voice before a performance or study in any place and at any time, thanks to the possibilities offered by a versatile device such as your smartphone.
How does it work?

Its simple and intuitive interface lets you create vocal sequences from scratch or modify the standard ones provided. Vocalize it! is powered by an intuitive visual editor to help you inserting notes and rests, and an handy preview to listen to your composition at any time. The exercises thus created (or modified) may be further customized by setting the initial tone, speed, and configuring the buttons to raise or lower the pitch of the sequence during execution.
One app, many useful tools
With Vocalize it! the use of a musical instrument as accompaniment is no more necessary, making it possible even for those who only have a good ear but little technical knowledge to achieve the desired results.

Each sequence can have annotations, teaching notes or whatever else is deemed necessary in order to optimize the study. You can also assign them a name for easier identification and set your preferred sequences as “favorite”, to make them appear highlighted in the main list.
Happy singing everyone! :)